Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Regardless of who you voted for, today you could feel the hope, excitement, and over whelming joy at my school. The internet and projector were turned on early in my classroom this morning so that my kiddos could watch (and I could explain) what all was going on. Watching my minority students watch history happen brought tears to my eyes. Some of them seemed to understand, while others were just excited to eat lunch in the classroom instead of the cafeteria. (Our lunch time was smack in the middle of Obama being sworn in.) I know it's all politics, but today did give me hope.
I would have loved to be inside George W.'s and Laura's heads this morning. I can only think that as they boarded the helicopter, they were ready to get the hall outta of D.C. and back to TEXAS! I'll be interested as to where he puts his Presidential Library.
Gotta go watch the Neighborhood Ball- after all, I told my students to watch it tonight!
One last note- I can't believe Mariah Carey's boobs didn't fall or pop out of that dress while she sang Hero! Geez!

1 comment:

Linda Jo said...

Yeah, Mariah's body seems to be all she's about. (not a fan) And.. W's library is to be at SMU - you knew that..you just forgot.