"Aunt Debbie" finally got to go see my best friend's little girl, Emerson Kate. She is adorable and is so good! I got there on Saturday and tried my best to help out Magen and Mike, the sleepy parents.
Emerson is so cute and makes the funniest noises while she is sleeping. Some times she sounds like a little goat- it sounds like the beginning of a cry, but nope, just being a goat!

The Schott family
We were all on our way out to Emerson's first party- Sunday afternoon one of Magen's coworkers had a house warming party. Emerson did wonderful, of course, being passed around and being adored. The day before she was great while we watched the A&M game at Plucker's.
Aunt Deb had to leave Monday, but Magen promises to try and send me pictures as often as possible. Isn't Emerson cute? I dressed her today while Mommy got showered/dressed.
Oh! And happy two year anniversary today Magen and Mike. Your love has created a beautiful little girl!
The Schott family
We were all on our way out to Emerson's first party- Sunday afternoon one of Magen's coworkers had a house warming party. Emerson did wonderful, of course, being passed around and being adored. The day before she was great while we watched the A&M game at Plucker's.
So cute! Baby girls are the BEST! Hopefully we can get together at Christmas time and you can see my lil' bambino as well!
Emerson made your blog...YAY! Debbie- I could not be HAPPIER for you right now....I am on cloud 9, so I KNOW you must be! LOVE YOU!!!!!
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